On a scheduled patrol of Worndoom 5-12 August Dambi Rangers Frank Martin and Edmund Jungine set sail to Montgomery Reef to undertake turtle survey work.
Throughout the 8-day patrol over 130 turtle nests where counted, 10 hatchlings were found, and 11 adult green turtles were caught for DNA sampling. Areas surveyed included Montgomery Reef, Sampson Inlet and Bay, Jackson Island and everywhere in between.
One of the adult green turtles, dubbed Carson, was fitted with a satellite tracker and travelled in a short time from Deception Bay, where it had been released, back to Montgomery Reef over a 2-day period.
This work is important to work out where our turtles are going when they leave the safety of Dambi country, what they get up to and potential threats to them. That way we can put in place more effective management strategies to help keep our turtle populations healthy over time.